Best Interventional Cardiologist For HYPERTENSION in RANCHI

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What treatment do you suggest for IIH problem?
hello, my age about 35 years. I am suffering from IIH. taking Diamox 3 tabs d...
Female 35 , Kolkata


39 Mins Ago

What to do to stop nausea and vomiting?
My father had a prior history of hypertension, exertional angina, copd, enlarge...
Male 75 , Lucknow


35 Mins Ago

Guide me for diet for my mother suffering from CKD.
my mother creatine 2.12, uric acid 9.73 urrea 67, not diabatic ckd+htn. guide m...
Female 69 , Barrackpur


2 Day Ago

Looking for bariatric surgery at Kolakta.
My wife is 46 years of age and she is 95 kgs. Her Blood Pressure normally is 20...
Female 46 , Siliguri


2 Day Ago

Need Advise for Multiple Myeloma treatment at Pune.
Seram creatine 3.5 Multiple Myeloma patient with Type 2 diabetes Hypertension...
Male 70 , Pune


27 Mins Ago